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Where to Travel When You Are in Your 50s

Well guys, today I'll bring you something more for your parents or grandparents, maybe.

Have you ever thought what to do after 50’s? Where to go? Residence or travel around the world? It's complicated to know, but if your passion is to travel like mine just, keep reading.

You have seen a lot of the world, but where should you go next? Escape has some suggestions for travelers over the age of 50—heading into your golden years has never been so fun.

“While you’ve ticked off more than your fair share of countries, looking at a map of the world still fills you with the realization that there’s so much left to see and that the opportunities for adventure are boundless — even in your 50s,” says Paul Ewart.

One suggestion is to visit an old stomping ground.

“Whether it’s a visit to a capital city or the classic European backing experience—this time flash packing, of course—retracing the steps of your young self will not only be a nostalgic trip down memory lane, but also an opportunity to see these destination(s) in a completely new light,” suggests Ewart.

If you’ve not been in Greece, maybe now is the time.

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