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Travel Agents on Working With Celebrities

Let's start by saying that Annie Davis has had some really interesting experiences as a travel agent who has worked with celebrities, this is her job and she loves that. Annie is the Amex Travel Insider specializing in both Dubai and the British Virgin Islands and the agent of record for Etihad’s The Residence.

I also think that working with celebrities can be a unique experience and such a challenge. Obviously if a client wants total privacy and no media opportunities, we make that happen.

Often when celebrities travel, they go ‘incognito.’ “Nowadays, most arrangements are made under other names within the party or personal assistants,” said Mario Scalzi of Parker Villas. “We sometimes discover the presence of celebrities in our homes when caretakers excitedly call to say, ‘You won't believe who's just said, Buon Giorno!’” On the other hand, his staff never reacts whenever a celebrity actually identifies themselves by name.

We have to say something about it, here we enter into a topic of debate, if you like to interact and work with celebrities (who are very demanding) this is your ideal job and it is clear that you enjoy a day of this.On the other hand, if you are the opposite or simply do not attract celebrities, it will not be your thing.

There is a diversity of opinions.

What do you think?

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